NeuroPro Therapy

physical therapist & instructor

...the brain can form new synaptic connections in response to learning and experiences even following injury




JASON KNOX PT NPC is a Certified Neurorehabilitation Professional.

Jason is a Physical Therapist running a private practice, Manager of a Tertiary Neuro Rehabilitation Program for the hospital and community setting, and a world renowned Instructor and Speaker. He has over 27 years of experience working with stroke, brain injury, and other neurologically impaired adults in the acute, rehabilitation, outpatient, and community phases of care.

Jason has taught in the college and university system. He has been custom designing and delivering post-professional courses for PTs, OTs, PTAs, COTAs, other support workers and nursing staff since 2002 throughout North America and internationally, and is the Owner and Co-Founder of NeuroPro Education.

Jason was the Chair of a national task force and published stroke rehabilitation best practice guidelines for the Heart & Stroke Foundation, and is a regular presenter at conferences around the world.

...continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field

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